This is a place for me to keep track of daily life and all of my creative goodness.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
21, 22, and 23/28
So these are a set of bangles I made, but I'm counting them each as their own thing. These were some bamboo bangles that I had that were starting to lose their finish so I decided to cover them in yarn. My original idea was to attach the yarn with a series of knots, like a friendship bracelet, but I decided that would be too tedious so I decided to crochet the yarn on instead. I used a cotton/wool blend for the teal one (can't remember the type) the pink one is noro and the purple one is an acrylic that I had lying around (the same as the cuff in the last post). I love these and they are so much fun to wear!
We're getting closer! Here's another project that I found on pinterest. It's a broomstick lace bracelet! This thing was super fun to make, it was quick and the broomstick lace was like nothing I've ever made. I like the look, it's a little punk rock and a little girly.
I got an email from a friend of mine asking me how to make this headband, so I did some research and found the pattern online and once I did that I decided that I needed to make one. Since this is out of bulky yarn I decided to double up some worsted acrylic yarn that I had and man was this thing fast to knit. I think it took me a total of 3 hours. I love this thing, with my short hair I have a tendency to look like a cancer patient when I wear hats, but since this just covers the front of my head it's perfect, it also keeps my ears toasty warm!
For my 18th item I made something for the house, but it was something I really wanted so I'm counting it! I was a music major in college and because of this, I have TONS of photo copied sheet music (much easier to spread a photocopy out on a piano or music stand). I saw a sheet music wreath on pinterest and decided I needed one for above the piano, so that's just what I did. I made a lot of cones out of sheet music and then I attached them to a foam wreath form using hot glue. I think it turned out great, but I would like to put some kind of pendant in the middle to hide the fact that it's not even.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
So 11 more things to go, I need to get crackin! I did finish this awesome purse though, it's the Counterpane Carpet Bag from Handknit Holidays. I love this thing, I did change the handles, and added a lining, and I use it everyday, it is too super awesome! I made it out of Debbie Bliss Donegal Aran Tweed yarn in a yummy brown shade. I started knitting this bag a year ago, but put it down for some reason. I was awesome though, in the fact that I started knitting both sides of the bag at the same time so it was super quick to complete and highly satisfying, I've gotten a lot of compliments on this bag. The only thing is that I wish I had put some pockets in the lining, it's a bit of a black hole in there, just means I need to make more little bags to put things in.
So item 16, is another refashion, and it wasn't super hard. So I'm a plus sized gal and the only problem with that is that designers seem to think that I'm also 14 feet tall. I'm on the shorter side of average so I find a lot of shirts to be way to long. That was the case with this super cute top from Walmart, so I cute off about 4 inches and did a new hem and voila, a super cute shirt that fits perfectly!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Christmas Decorating
So it's that time of year when I start thinking of what I want to do, decorating wise for Christmas. This year, with the help of Pinterest, I have found lots of things for you. Here is what I'm thinking:
Doilies in the windows like snowflakes ala Ysolda's blog from last year.
Lots of pomanders to make the house smell amazing!
Dried orange slices for the tree.
Popcorn and cranberry garlands.
These super cute trees for the back of the piano.
Lots of garlands for the windows and stair well.
A big green wreath for the front door!
Some fun stuff for the tree!
A brand new tree skirt (well pants).
And a hand punched rug to top it all off! (But you'll have to wait to see that one)
Doilies in the windows like snowflakes ala Ysolda's blog from last year.
Dried orange slices for the tree.
Popcorn and cranberry garlands.
These super cute trees for the back of the piano.
image source (with a tutorial!)
Lots of garlands for the windows and stair well.
A big green wreath for the front door!
Some fun stuff for the tree!
A winter pillow!
A brand new tree skirt (well pants).
there's also a sew along there and directions!
And a hand punched rug to top it all off! (But you'll have to wait to see that one)
So here's number 15 it's the 3 Hour Sweater, but I changed the yarn size, the needle size and the sizing. With it on I'm thinking I still could have gone down a needle size or 2 on the ribbing, but I think it still looks good with jeans. It's made out of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino, which is Cashmere, merino wool and micro fiber, it's so soft and we'll see how warm it is today. I'm not in love with the fit, but I'm thinking maybe I'll throw it in the dryer for a second to shrink it up a little. I also figured out that to meet my goal, I'm going to need to make something every 2 days until my birthday, we'll see how that goes!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Secret Santa Swap
Hi Everyone,
I have joined the Secret Santa Swap that Shawnee over at Flirty Apron Swap is hosting. I had so much fun in the last apron swap I did I couldn't resist! So here's the questionnaire for that:

I have joined the Secret Santa Swap that Shawnee over at Flirty Apron Swap is hosting. I had so much fun in the last apron swap I did I couldn't resist! So here's the questionnaire for that:
- What are your hobbies? - Knitting, sewing, crocheting, spinning, singing, quilting, and cooking
- What are your favorite colors? - I like bright jewel tone colors, pink, teal, green, blue, orange, red
- Do you collect anything? - aprons oddly enough
- Are you allergic to any fibers or animals? - mohair, which is sad because I think it's a beautiful fiber knit up
- Do you have any pets? - 1 cat
- Coffee, Tea, or Chocolate? - all of the above!
- What do you like to read? - I love to read period fiction, thrillers, anything about crafting, and some romance
- Do you prefer Cookies or Candies as a sweet? - cookies, nothing better than a fresh baked cookie
- What is your favorite holiday treat? - Skillet Cookies, something my mom always made when I was a kid
- Describe your favorite holiday tradition. - Driving to look at Christmas lights while listening to Christmas music
- Did you believe in Santa as a child? - yep, I was convinced he was real
- When do you open presents? - you get to open one on Christmas eve and the rest on Christmas day, but the stocking is the biggest deal Christmas morning!
- Do you put up a tree and when? If not, how do you celebrate? - We put up a tree around my birthday on the 15th, that way the munchkin doesn't have to have a tree up for his birthday on the 11th
- Does your tree have a theme? - handmade
- What has been your favorite gift to give? to receive? - to give, anything handmade same to receive, it just has so much more heart when it's been made by hand

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
14/28 Halfway There!
This is my halfway post! I am posting my 14th item which was actually finished about a month ago. Bad blogger no cookie! I know, so anyway, this is a full circle skirt that I made using the formula from Casey's Elegant Musings which ended up making the waist a little big so I took it in about 4 inches total. The only thing about this skirt is that when I wear it to work it makes it difficult to walk down the stairs. I love it though! It's flannel and cozy and feels like wearing pjs to work, but much cuter. I am in love with maxi skirts and I want to make a bunch more, I think they are a great alternative to pants for the California fall and winter.
Sorry for the crappy pic:
Sorry for the crappy pic:
Monday, November 7, 2011
I'm getting close to the half way mark in items, I'm gonna have to pick it up if I want to finish in just over a month. But here is lucky item 13! I refashioned one of Steve's shirts that shrank vertically, but was still the same width, have you ever noticed this happening? Anyway, I cut the sleeves out, cut a seam down each side, put 2 darts in the front, took the whole thing in, sewed it back together, put 2 pleats in each sleeve and shortened the top and now I love it! It's perfect for bumming around town in, not a big baggy t, but still comfy and cute. And you can't go wrong with a Dropkick Murphy's shirt!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
I finished my quilt!
Just in time too, I also think this counts as item 12 in my 28 things. So I made it using a pattern from The Encyclopedia of Classic Quilt Patterns it was the spiderweb quilt. I used all fabrics from my stash except the backing which I had to buy some sale fabric for since I didn't have enough of one fabric to back the quilt in. This thing is big, it's queen sized and it was a pain in the a to quilt on the machine, but the end product is awesome and I love it! What do you think?
And here's a close up of the fabric, it's darker in real life
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The alternate title to this post should be "Why I Sometimes Feel Like I'm Living in How I Met Your Mother". So tonight we gave the munchkin and some friends kids the choice of seeing Puss in Boots or going to play lasertag, I'm guessing that my astute readers have already guessed which they chose. So we went to the arcade, not exactly what I had in mind for my evening, but you know... So anyway, we went to the arcade and had some pretty horrible pizza for dinner, not that it's a huge surprise that the pizza there wouldn't be great, but I had hoped they would prove me wrong. After dinner the kids all went up to play lasertag and I settled in for some good old pin ball playing. I started with the Monopoly machine, not all that rewarding of a machine to play on, but after a while Steve came and told me that there was a Simpsons machine so I switched to that one and while it was really fun the ball had a tendency to get stuck and the left flipper stuck quite a bit. Yep I get pretty serious about my pinball playing, I know, I'm really just a 10 year old inside. So anyway, Steve comes down a while later super excited because he got first place in lasertag, and of course, the munchkin came in last and was a little sad about it, but no big thing, he's over it now.
I've been in a bit of a funk all day, I'm not entirely sure why. I think a lot of it is that the quilt I've been working on for a while isn't turning out the way I'd hoped in the quilting portion. I tried the spray adhesive basting spray and I'm not very happy with the way that it is turning out, it's bunching up while I'm quilting it and it's really pissing me off. Not to mention some other things that we happening today and cleaning the house for my parents coming into town tomorrow to stay with us, which isn't normally a big deal but right now we also have Steve's sister and her boyfriend living with us until they can get on their feet here, so the house is quite full and everyone is still getting used to living together. I'm having a hard time getting used to it I guess, I just sort of feel like our private lives have been invaded and like I have no time to myself. I know it's petty and that I need to just suck it up and deal with life, but sometimes I just like my life to be mine and lately I haven't felt like I've had much control over it. I think I really just needed a little cathartic writing time.
I've been in a bit of a funk all day, I'm not entirely sure why. I think a lot of it is that the quilt I've been working on for a while isn't turning out the way I'd hoped in the quilting portion. I tried the spray adhesive basting spray and I'm not very happy with the way that it is turning out, it's bunching up while I'm quilting it and it's really pissing me off. Not to mention some other things that we happening today and cleaning the house for my parents coming into town tomorrow to stay with us, which isn't normally a big deal but right now we also have Steve's sister and her boyfriend living with us until they can get on their feet here, so the house is quite full and everyone is still getting used to living together. I'm having a hard time getting used to it I guess, I just sort of feel like our private lives have been invaded and like I have no time to myself. I know it's petty and that I need to just suck it up and deal with life, but sometimes I just like my life to be mine and lately I haven't felt like I've had much control over it. I think I really just needed a little cathartic writing time.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Oh November Rain, you remind me of my favorite places...
Thursday, November 3, 2011
11/28 - Socks!
I made a pair of socks, that's right I finished both of them. For those of you who know me and my knitting you know that's quite an accomplishment since I have had a pretty severe case of SSS (Single Sock Syndrome) in years past. I am in love with these socks, they are so freaking comfy! I made them out of Socks that Rock Lightweight in the Grawk Colorway from the Raven Clan Series. Back when the Raven Clan Series of colors came out I bought a skein of each in light weight, I had money to burn, the economy was better, I wasn't married, I had no kids, and I'd heard great things about this yarn. So naturally being the good goth that I am, I bought all the pretty black/purple/green colorways that came out. Can you believe that I've had 13 skeins of sock yarn in my stash for more than 4 years and I've never knit any of it? That's going to change, this is the squishiest, yummiest, most comfy yarn I've ever knit socks out of. They are the Anniversary Socks by Nancy Bush from the book Favorite Socks from Interweave Press. This is a great pattern because the lace is super simple to memorize and it's only on the fronts, I love that they are longer socks so they keep me warmer and since they're dark, I can wear them with shorter pants and they look like leggings. I knit them on double points because I didn't have the right circ in my stash and I didn't want to buy a new one for these socks, but in doing that I realized that I don't dislike dpns as much as I thought I did. I guess it's just been so long since I've knit with them that I thought I didn't like it. I don't know though, I'm going to try doing my next socks 2 at a time on 2 circs to see if I can get them done faster, I'd also like to try knitting one inside the other sometime, but that kind of scares me. In short, these are my favorite hand knit socks I've ever made and I think a lot of it has to do with the yarn!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Last Meal
So I had no ideas for today's post so I'm going with the prompt from the NaBloPoMo site for today which is "If you knew that whatever you ate next would be your last meal, what would you eat?" I'd have to say that I'd have a nice grilled steak with rosemary smashed potatoes and super fresh green beans with peach cobbler and homemade peach ice cream for dessert. I know it's not super extravagant, but it definitely reminds me of home. Growing up my Dad would grill almost every weekend and I love that open flame charcoal taste on a steak. And in the summer, having grown up partially in Texas we would make the most amazing peach ice cream with fresh peaches from Texas, which are the best by the way. I loved everything about summers with my family, the time with cousins, the sound of the ice cream maker, running around outside at my Grandma's in the country, de-silking corn, picking beans, all of it. I think that's why I have such a strong desire to move out to the country when we grow up. I feel like there is just something about being close to the earth that I miss in my everyday life in the suburbs, but such is life when there is a munchkin around. I wouldn't want to sacrifice his education by moving to the country, or risk not getting to see him as much because of custody shenanigans. 9 more years and he'll be out of high school and we'll be free to wander where we will.
Rosemary Smashed Potatoes
2 lbs of New Potatoes or Red Potatoes
3 Sprigs of Fresh Rosemary
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Boil the potatoes until they are just soft and drain.
Pre-heat oven to broil.
Oil a cookie sheet and place boiled potatoes on them.
Smash the potatoes with your hand, a bowl, a potato masher, really anything that will flatten out the potatoes.
Drizzle the potatoes with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and chopped rosemary leaves.
Broil for about 15-20 min or until crispy.
Rosemary Smashed Potatoes
2 lbs of New Potatoes or Red Potatoes
3 Sprigs of Fresh Rosemary
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Boil the potatoes until they are just soft and drain.
Pre-heat oven to broil.
Oil a cookie sheet and place boiled potatoes on them.
Smash the potatoes with your hand, a bowl, a potato masher, really anything that will flatten out the potatoes.
Drizzle the potatoes with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and chopped rosemary leaves.
Broil for about 15-20 min or until crispy.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
That's right, it's that time of year again! National Blog Posting Month. I'm going to attempt it once again this month. I'm hoping that now football is officially over I might have some more time to post and take pictures and what not. I really feel like I'm falling behind in my blogging and I have some more projects that I need to show you all, so I'm attempting this again. I know I'm not starting the month off on a great foot with no pictures and all, but I promise some soon.
Friday, October 14, 2011
So this wasn't one that was finished this year, but it was revamped, which I'm totally counting as I never wore it before. It started life as the Sprout sweater by Amy King, but I didn't like the placement of the buttons because that made it gap weirdly in the front, so I moved the buttons over and now it fits like a dream and I wear it a lot!
For my ninth item I knit the Date Night by Nikol Lohr from Knitty First Fall 2011. I love it, I made it with Jagger-Spun Wool Silk Lace Weight Yarn in a deep red color that I originally bought for a shawl, but that never happened, so I doubled it up for this sweater. I love it, it looks really cute with my new denim skirt.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
So the next item in my aresenal of 29 things is the awesome Unbiased bag that I made. I love it, it's super hippy wonderful, I made it from some recycled sari silk yarn while sitting at the munchkin's football practice!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
So for my 7th item I made was the Sorbetto Tank from Colette Patterns, it's a free download, so I'd go get it if I were you, cuz it's an awesome pattern and I want to make like 500 more. I also used the sleeve pattern drafted by The Sew Weekly. I made it out of some white swiss dot I had laying around the house and it's too cute for words. I think the next time I make it I'll make the sleeves a little narrower and I'd like to try making a 3/4 sleeve version too. Also, I'd like to try it without the pleat in the middle and with some embellishment on the pleat and maybe with pin-tucks instead of the pleat. See what I mean about this pattern?
Ok, so I'm going to post a few things I made and hopefully we'll get to 28 in the next 3 months. So first up is my February Lady Sweater, I knit it in Debbie Stoller's Full o' Sheep yarn in a bright yellow. When I started this, I wasn't sure that I was going to have much use of it until later in the year, but as it turns out, my new office keeps the AC at 69 degrees, so I wear a sweater almost every day. I love the lines of this sweater and the way it looks on, I'm super happy I made it.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
So I finished this one a while back and I love it, I've been wearing it a lot. This is item 5 of my 28 and it's the Jamie Dress from Sis Boom, it's super comfy and looks great. I don't have a whole lot to say about it other than the fact that I want to make more, I didn't make any adjustments to this pattern, it fit like a glove and that made me happy! Without further ado, here's the pics:
Friday, August 19, 2011
Major Changes!
Sorry it’s been forever, there have been many changes a foot here! Least of which is that I’ve been at football practices 5 days a week for the last 4 weeks. That’s right, the munchkin started tackle football, he’s doing pretty well, though he does have some problems with talking. I know hard to believe that a kid I’ve helped raise would have a problem with talking too much. So the other major deal is that I got a new job, some of you know that I was not very happy at my old job as it was not very fulfilling and property management has never been a big passion of mine, so when a friend of mine told me about an opening for an office manager at Arts & Services for Disabled, Inc, a company that provides art and music therapy for developmentally disabled adults, I jumped at the chance. Good thing I did too, since I had gone to school for music and special education this seemed to be a great fit and they offered me the job in my interview. After having worked here a week I can say that the biggest difference is the amount of compassion and love that exudes from everyone. I mean take my boss, she makes it a point to make sure that all of her employees feel like they are appreciated and supported. I can say that this is not something I felt at my last job and through a series of conversations with the hubby, Steve I've realized that I really was in a downward spiral of depression at that job. It's lifted incredibly quickly and I'm starting to see parts of my personality that I was not fond of fall away and the parts that I thought I'd lost coming to the forefront. I've lost my anxiety and anger/frustration that was starting to become a part of my everyday life. I feel like the patience I had when I was younger is coming back and I am free of a huge weight that I wasn't aware I was carrying. Part of this awesome new job was a pay cut, but that was due to the fact that I'm now working 30 hours a week rather than 40, getting me home at 3:30 rather than 4:30, which is awesome, also I'm not on call 24 hours a day, so I've found that when I'm working on a project I'm free to devote all of my attention to that project and that's made a huge difference.
So because of all this, I've had a lot more time to create. So I'm going to follow this up with individual posts on my progress for the 28 for 28 project. It's looking like I may actually get to finish this project which is super exciting and I wasn't sure it was going to happen. I'm really enjoying all the creating I'm getting to do and a side benefit of coming out of my depression is that I'm starting to consider lots of bright colors again and obnoxious color pairings. I'm looking at making things that let my personality shine through, I don't feel like I need to hide that part of me anymore. I'm also looking at doing some art quilting, and some more fine art type of stuff, I also think I'm going to start our Halloween quilt soon, I'll post what I'm going to be doing with that later too when I get all my fabrics together. I think that's all for now, I just wanted to update you all on the goings on in my life!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Playin a little catch up!
So what have I been up to for the last month? Well here's a break down:
The boys (and Janice) all played Edward 40 Hands. If you don't know what this is, basically you tape 40oz beers or malt liqueur to your hands and you're not allowed to have them removed until both 40's are gone. This was one of those nights that they realized that they're not 21 anymore, but it was hilarious to watch anyway. Also, Steve won, first to finish both, only one to finish both and not puke!
Also saw an awesome VW bus drivin around Tustin the other day with a Dharma sticker from Lost on it.
And lastly I have some gratuitous kitty pictures. Why? Because she's super cute and apparently has decided my wheel is in the living room is there for her alone!
The boys (and Janice) all played Edward 40 Hands. If you don't know what this is, basically you tape 40oz beers or malt liqueur to your hands and you're not allowed to have them removed until both 40's are gone. This was one of those nights that they realized that they're not 21 anymore, but it was hilarious to watch anyway. Also, Steve won, first to finish both, only one to finish both and not puke!
So that obviously was a kid free night, but the next week we got to go on a preview of the new Star Tours: The Adventure Continues. Chris nearly peed himself with excitement when we got the email. It was super awesome! We've been on it since then too, I think we're going to have to ride it every time we go. They did a total overhaul of the ride including the que area and the ride itself, you get to go to different planets and it's different almost every time you ride it and it's in 3D, but this type of 3D doesn't screw with my eyes.
I wore my new wig for the first time, I kind of love it, it's super fun, but it's also really hot so I may have to wait until after the summer to wear it again!
We went to Laguna Beach a couple weekends ago and got stuck in summer traffic in the canyon, but I'm thinking we're going to go for a hike there soon. We also went for what we thought was going to be a hike in Newport Coast, but just ended up being a paved walk, still pretty though.
That's it for now, tune in soon for some more updates, pics from another hike and at least one more finished object in my 28 for 28 adventure!
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