So I've been in a little bit of a funk lately and I was having a hard time figuring out why. I mean everything is going pretty darn well, nothing too much to complain about. I finally figured it out today, I've been having an issue with Halloween. Not with the holiday itself, but with my relationship to it. You see, Halloween has long been my favorite holiday, I decorate every year and I always dress up. But this year as I pulled out the decorations a sense of dread came over me, I couldn't explain it. Then it hit me this morning! As I was contemplating dressing up (this is really late for me to get on the costuming), I realized that thanks to being laid off on Halloween last year I now associate Halloween with that. Thanks a lot! So I'm going to do what I can this Halloween to overcome those feelings, it starts with the fact that I have Halloween off, so that's a good start to the day. Then I am going to make pumpkin lattes and pumpkin pancakes for breakfast. I'm going to dress up, it won't be the most elaborate of costumes, but I think I can pull something fun off! Also, we have some friend's coming over to hang out while we pass out candy, so you can't go wrong there. Lastly, I plan on watching my favorite Halloween movies all week, Hocus Pocus, Tucker and Dale vs Evil, Sweeny Todd, Corpse Bride and my all time most favorite movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas!
I guess what I'm trying to get at is that we can't let other people tell us how we're going to feel about things. We need to find the things we once found appealing and exploit the crap out of those so that we can overcome the bad stigma events or people had attached to those things we once loved. And just for a little fun, here's some pictures of my Bearded Lady Costume from last year!

Here i am with my Knitches, whom I miss dearly!

And a close of of the magnificence of the hand knit beard!
Lastly, here's Steve and I at Comikaze last year where he went as Jayne Cobb/Wolverene and I went as Raphael: