So we've decided to do another 60 day juice cleanse. What brought us to this conclusion was that we've gained a lot of weight back from the first cleanse almost a year ago and Steve and I are both feeling really sluggish and gross. I still have quite a bit of weight to lose and this seems to be the healthiest way I have found to do so. When we're just juicing I can't fall back on processed foods with low calorie counts to get me through the day. This is all whole foods all the time. The things I'll be doing a little differently this time is that I'm going to add a teaspoon of oil into one juice a day to keep gallstones away. My Mom had to have her gallbladder removed due to some major stones and I don't want to get anywhere close to that so I'm taking that precaution. I'm also going to add in some almond milk and vegan protein powder for days that we go on longer hikes, which I'm hoping we do more of this time around. As for exercise, we are on week 5 of the
Couch to 5k running program and we're doing really well. Steve is running with me this time and it's really pushing me much harder than I would do on my own. He's majorly increased my time. I'm going to try to post more this time with weight updates and emotional updates. The last time we did this it was much more emotional and mental than I was prepared for, we'll see what this time brings. So here we are at day 1 and I'm feeling really good about our ability to do this, we're determined!